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The Secret Place (Part 2)

By November 9, 2010No Comments

The secret place of the Most High is holy.  Those who enter in  are consecrated unto God.  It is the dwelling place of the righteous and is to be considered a sacred place, indeed most sacred.  It is a place of life, which requires one’s death in order for one to enter.  Therefore, God provided the way to enter through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Because of His provision, we will never enter in through self-righteousness which is based in pride.  One can never enter into the secret place in his own strength.  It must be in the power of the Holy Spirit.  As we submit to the Holy Spirit, we make no room for the sinful flesh (see Galatians 5:16) -the old man is crucified (see Romans 6: 1-23).  Indeed we are crucified with Christ and it is His life in us that enables us to enter (Galatians 2:20).  Therefore, we must cease from the mentality that says, “We are not good enough” to enter because it is not based on “our goodness.”  It is based upon His!  We will never earn our way into the secret place; we submit ourselves into it.

As we yield or submit ourselves as living sacrifices unto God, He is able to move more readily in our lives.  It is through yielding our minds to Him that the Father is able to quiet our mind through the Holy Spirit, so we may enter in un-distracted.  It is, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).  If a person is having a difficult time with distractions, he needs to ask the Father to sanctify his thought-life.  He needs to ask the Holy Spirit to direct his thoughts.  Face it, our minds can be so cluttered with thoughts that  distract us from the Father that we require a Power higher than our own to bring them captive to the obedience of Christ.  Thus it is written, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (emphasis added, 2Corinthians 10:4).  It is through God that every imagination and high thing is cast down, so our thoughts may be taken captive to the obedience of Christ.  We must realize that we do not enter into the secret place by mind-power; rather, it is the Holy Spirit directing our minds into that Holy Place.

Though we walk in the fear of the Lord, we should never fear to enter the secret place.  In the secret place, the Father reveals His love for us, which vacates fear (see 1John 4:18).  Because God is Love, we should not fear what He has to say to us; we should embrace it!  Everything the Father does or says is based upon His holy love; therefore, it will always benefit us.  In truth, the more we remain in the secret place, the less we fear.  In fact, there is no fear in the secret place because it is a place of love.  Perfect peace is found in the secret place.  The obvious goal is to stay in the secret place, and never come out!