2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise (KJV).
If we live by our own standard and become dependant upon it, we will fail to depend upon grace, and lose sight of its purpose. As we consider The Standard, we will discover that it is impossible for us to live at that level by our own strength and abilities. Hence, the purpose of grace: the favor and ability to be who God destined us to be and to do what He asks of us. Consider this: living by our own standards is an act of the flesh, especially if we are trying to be that standard. This is also known as self-righteousness. Therefore, it does not honor God; it glorifies the flesh, and nullifies the Word of God (see Mark 7:9). With self-righteousness comes the tendency to compare others to ourselves, which is not a wise thing to do. This in turn leads to self-justification and ultimately self-deception. Face it; there is something about feeling “holier than thou.” If we are the ones setting the standard, then Jesus is not our Lord. He must increase and we must decrease!
Having mentors is a good thing; however, if we elevate them to a level they do not belong, they will become the standard by which we live, instead of the Lord. We are to be conformed to the image of Jesus; not mentors. While those who teach others should be examples of what it means to follow Jesus, the goal is to follow Jesus and be His disciple. It is easy to mimic mentors to the point of losing one’s own identity in Christ Jesus and miss having one’s own experiences with the Father. The danger lies in being so dependent on them that a person does not trust that the Holy Spirit himself can lead him. This is something that mentors must guard against by always pointing to Jesus.
We are to be disciples of Jesus Christ; therefore, the object of the game is to get disciples dependent on the Lord. He must be The Standard for their lives, so they can reach their full potential by His grace.