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Failing to discern times and seasons we’re in can cause confusion.  Our times and seasons change, and with those changes, come new direction.  If we’re oblivious to them, we may find ourselves feeling out of whack, so to speak.  For example, unexplained irritation and complaining, especially when you’re normally not easily irritated, and you seldom complain, if ever.  Sometimes, we can sense a change taking place, but we can’t quite put our finger on it.  Have you ever had a moment when your normal routine seems out of place?  Perhaps, the atmosphere changed, but there’s no apparent reason for it.  However it manifests, you feel unsettled.

The Bible reveals we are made up of spirit, soul, mind and body (Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).  Our spirit communes with Holy Spirit, and it’s with our spirit we serve God (Romans 1:9; 8:16; 1 Corinthians 2:6-26; et. al.).  Everything else is supposed to follow the spirit’s lead as it is led by Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14).  That means our spirit will know about the changes before the rest.  When our soul is not quite onboard, it gets disquieted.  Our minds tend to be analytical, which means it can run interference, especially when things just don’t make sense.  This is one reason Proverbs tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  We absolutely need to trust Him, even when nothing makes sense.  He is faithful!

If you’re one who came from a controlling background, where you had to know everything, because you lacked certainty in life, this will be a new venture for your soul and mind, especially if you’ve never experienced this before.  Emotions can feel out of control, and things that were planted in your brain can try to thwart what God is doing in your midst.  This is yet another reason we’re exhorted to cast down imaginations and renew our minds.  The renewal process, or renovation if you like, expels those thoughts which are contrary to the Mind of Christ.

A number of thoughts we have did not originate with us, and they most certainly did  not come from God.  We tend to act, react and respond according to what we believe to be true.  New times and seasons are useful for exposing strongholds that we’ve been carrying for years.  Sometimes you don’t know what’s in a cup until it gets bumped.  People often say hardship builds character.  Maybe, it would be more accurate to say it reveals the character of the individual.  In other words, it will bring to the surface what we’ve been trying to suppress.  If your comfort zone is avoidance of fear, it has no real comfort or peace.  Some are fearful of things that don’t actually exist.  They dread events they’ve created in their minds, because they believe them to be true.  That is how powerful thoughts and imaginations can be.  They can absolutely cripple your walk of faith, so long as you chose to hang onto them.  Don’t believe the lie; believe God!  Have you ever played the “what if game,” and you found fear knocking at the door of your heart?  Don’t open the door.  There is no such thing as “what if.”  Going further, did you find that what you feared never happened, and in essence, you wasted a lot of energy.  There are the adrenaline junkies who love this game.  They love the sense of relief when what they feared never happens.  Why would they do that?  It’s another form of self-medication, which is a different topic.

When things feel out of order, stop and ask Holy Spirit for clarity.  “Why am I feeling this way?”  “What am I supposed to do?”  “What are You trying to reveal to me in all this?”  Stay open.  Above all, trust Him.  Clarity will assuredly come, but do be patient.