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We Cannot Define People, Things, or Circumstances: This Includes Ourselves

By February 13, 2011No Comments

Prov 3:5-6 (KJV)

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (KJV).

We cannot define people, things, or circumstances from our limited point of view.  True definition has to be given from above, for it requires purity found in a Most Holy, Omniscient (All-Knowing) God.  We cannot define ourselves because we do not know enough about ourselves to bring definition.  In fact, we do not know ourselves as well as we think.  We cannot define who we will be because we do not know the ending from the beginning.  We have to allow the One Who knows all to define who we will be.  Our job is to believe and receive what He reveals to us.

Not every circumstance we find ourselves in is what it appears to be at face value.  We do not know the purpose, plan, and workings behind the scenes.  We do not see the ending, and we really do not know the length of its duration until it is complete.  Even then, its completion date may still be unknown, unless it is revealed from on High.  Our job is to trust, and know we are not alone.  Everything is in the hand of the Father, ready to be revealed in the proper time.

If we attempt to bring definition in our own limited capacity, we will limit God in every area of our life.  It is time that we trust in the Lord and stop leaning on our own understanding, and in all our ways acknowledge Him!

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