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What Are You Waiting For?

By August 11, 2019No Comments

People yearn for change in society, their cities and communities. Even in the Church, there’s an anticipation for the next “Great Revival” to change the landscape of the world. But how do you define revival? Are you referring to an awakening in which lost souls come to Jesus in droves? Perhaps it means dead churches coming to life and becoming vibrant once again -if they were vibrant to begin with. Does the word revival then mean resuscitation; bringing back to life? Or merely a period of renewed interest in God that lasts for a season and then goes dormant. Of course we know from history there were movements in which whole segments of society were transformed. People witnessed signs, wonders and people getting saved by the bucket loads. There was the Welsh Revival and Azusa Street to name a couple. Believers talk wistfully of those moments and the desire for the Church to be filled with power. But it comes across as if they’re waiting for someone else to light the fuse. They’re watching for it, but they’re not engaged; they’re not in the game.

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21). This implies to a degree that nothing is going to happen as long as we’re spectators watching or waiting for an event. Such an anticipated movement requires one thing: you and me agreeing with God, rolling up our sleeves and getting to work. The first order of that work is to believe. John 6:29 This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him Whom He hath sent. Without believing God, nothing is going to happen. Waiting on others to believe and then acting on that belief before any of us begins, will only prolong the wait. What is your part in the scheme of things? How interested are you, really? One thing to consider is any movement of God always began with individuals. They spent time on their knees and faces before God -lots of time! Initially, there didn’t appear to be much happening because everything was being accomplished in the prayer closet. Believers had personal revivals. They repented of their backslidings. They invited Jesus to actually be their Lord. They allowed Holy Spirit’s sanctifying power and process to completely engulf them. They were baptized with Holy Spirit and fire -the chaff was burned up. No more status quo! These revivalists knew they could not wait on someone else to strike the match; they had to do it. Those droves of people came by prayer and fasting. Again, all in alignment with God. They invited Holy Spirit to draw men, women and children to Jesus. They influenced those around them. One by one they began, and then suddenly it blew up. The movements appeared to come out of nowhere, but there was much work done in the Secret Place, long before the ground began to shake.

Colossians 2:9-10 For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the Head of all principality and power. We have everything we need within us. We don’t need to go chasing here and there to find it. We don’t need special funding. We have Him! It boils down to this: are you caught up in the things of the world, or are you Kingdom minded? What are you waiting for?