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What’s in His Name?

By December 20, 2015No Comments

The name of Jesus, or Yeshua, represents many things. One thing often referred to is the power and authority of His name. We are well aware that there is no other name by which one may be saved (see Acts 4:12). For those who receive Jesus, also receive His Name. Through His name we have power and authority, but we have more than these. We have abundant life. We have His love.

The name of Jesus represents the love of God, and in His name we love. Apart from His name, we could have never received His love, even though God freely gave it. If a person rejects Jesus, he also rejects the love of God. Jesus represents the Father. Jesus Himself said, “He that has seen Me, has seen the Father” (John 14:9) Furthermore He said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by Me”(John 14:6). The Father revealed His love to us through His Son. He also gave us the Name above all names. Because of love, we have His name, and through His name we have the Father’s love.

God is love. Because that is His nature, it is also the nature of the Name of Jesus.

When we bless others in His name, we are extending His love to them.

A name represents its owner. That representation gives authority to others to do the things as if the person himself were doing them. However, that authority it limited to specific things. For example, when a person signs his name on a Proxy, he is giving someone permission to act on his behalf. The action is limited to the specifics of the Proxy. Acting beyond its intended purpose is illegal. That being said, our authority is limited to the will and character of the Father. Understand that when we claim or invoke the name of Jesus, we are representing Him.

[bctt tweet=”Anything we do outside of love is an illegal use of His Name!” #Jesus]

Every principle of the Kingdom operates by love. Jesus underscored that truth in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” If we are to represent His name well, we need to love others well. If the actions of God are the result of His love, then our actions should correspond to His as well.

For those of you who may question the Father’s love: do you have authority in the name of Jesus? Shouldn’t that tell you something? God freely gives good and perfect gifts . If anything obligates Him, it’s His love. You might say His word obligates Him to act; however, He gave His word out of love. Remember He is love, and so is His name. For His name represents Him. Think about it!

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