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Where are the Miracles?

By March 26, 2017No Comments

There is much talk of signs, wonders and miracles in some circles.  Many desire to see healing, but see little.  At the same time, there are places where these abound.  What makes the difference?  Here are a couple of explanations, but of course, there are more reasons.  Let’s start with a couple of questions: what moves believers to want to see healings?  Are they moved with compassion or is it something else?  Often, we read that Jesus was moved with compassion before healing the sick and delivering the afflicted.  Just as Galatians 5:6 declares: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.”  If love is not the reason for the desire, faith will not work well for you.

Some want to see the miraculous manifest through themselves out of a lust; not compassion.

They want the praise of man more than they have compassion for the sick and afflicted.  They want glory for themselves.  Fortunately for those who need a touch from God, they can still receive from Him, in spite of the agent.  The gifts the Father gives work regardless of the condition of one’s heart.  Moreover, His love and compassion supersedes the heart of the glory hound.  Having said that, those who want the glory will wrestle with doubt because their motives are not pure.  They know in their head faith works, but their heart is not right.  In some instances, people put their faith in their faith, instead of God.  If you want to experience the miraculous, one of your goals should be to make Jesus famous; not you.

John 17:22-23 The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me.

Here’s another question: if Jesus gave us His glory, why would someone want glory from people?  Isn’t the Lord’s glory good enough?  His glory in us is intended to make us one, so the world may know the Father sent His Son, and He loves Him and us.  As we read further, we find another major reason for the glory is the revelation of God’s love.  John 17:26 And I have made Your Name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.  That means when we operate by faith, we should be revealing His love.  All of which points to His divine nature (see 2 Peter 1:1-4).

Another reason people want to see the miraculous is because they want to see a spectacle. 

They are more interested in seeing someone being healed for the sake of healing, versus the result of the healing.  That’s not to say they don’t want to see people’s burdens eased, but it’s not really at the forefront of their mind.  Of course, all of us have wanted to see the miraculous manifest because it being a novelty, but that novelty needs to turn to compassion.  In some cases, they chase after miracles, even though, miracles should be chasing them in order to confirm the Word of God (see Mark 16:20).  If people do things out curiosity, they will try to perform miracles and see little fruit.  On the other hand, if they cooperate with Holy Spirit out of love, they will see much fruit.