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Why God?

By April 5, 2020No Comments

Why God? How many times have you asked that question? How many times did He answer you? There are probably numerous times all you heard was crickets, as if God could care less. Depending on the circumstances in which the question was asked, the emotions behind them could be overwhelming, perhaps, even maddening. Since He is a very good Father, He be could extending mercy by not giving an answer. It may feel like inaction on His part, but it isn’t.
   In some cases, not all, you might have been crushed or devastated by the answer. Your heart might been not only broken, but absolutely shattered. In other instances, it may be you would wrestle with forgiveness or bitterness. Moreover, it could be you weren’t at a place to actually handle the truth. In other incidences, it would be possible you didn’t hear the answer, because you honestly didn’t want to know the truth. In other words, the willingness to listen wasn’t there.
   Knowing the answers doesn’t necessarily change things. For the control freaks, it really doesn’t give any more control over situations than if you never knew the whys and wherefores. Knowing why does not always make things better.
   Of course, it can be a very good thing when why is attached to seeking wisdom and understanding, so you can navigate through life more smoothly. After all, we’re encouraged to ask for wisdom, as well as the understanding (see James 1:5-8; Proverbs 4:5-7).
An important takeaway is we don’t have to know all the reasons for things, but we can take comfort in knowing the One Who does, and trust Him with all the answers, whether or not we ever come to know them. God is faithful, and He loves you so much. And because He does, He may have some moments of silence. He will always do what is best for you, whether it feels like it or not.
   Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

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