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Why Peter, James and John?

Matthew 17:1 Six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves (NASB).

Have you ever wondered why Jesus seemed to always single out Peter, James and John more than the other nine Apostles?Ā  Andrew was occasionally included, but why these three?Ā  We know that Jesus was and is no respecter of persons.Ā  Perhaps, Mark 13:3 gives us a clue: As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew were questioning Him privately (NASB).Ā  They consistently sought Jesus out, either individually or together.Ā  What we see in Scripture is apparently these were the ones asking the questions and spending time with the Master more than the rest.Ā  Thatā€™s not to say the remainder didnā€™t ask questions nor spend time with Jesus; rather, the Bible records Peter, James and John more than the others.

Donā€™t misconstrue ā€œmoreā€ with doing more as in works; instead, think relationally.Ā 

The more time you spend with someone, the better you know his or her heart.Ā  People tend to share secrets with those whom they trust.Ā  Who do they trust the most?Ā  Typically, the ones with whom they spend time.Ā  How could Jesus trust someone who doesnā€™t know His heart?Ā  The rest of the 12 had the same things available to them; in fact, possibly more if they chose.

This in no way is an indictment of what they chose or did.

We cannot pretend to know their hearts, nor their circumstances, since itā€™s not recorded in the Bible.Ā 

Secondly, everyone is designed differently, and have differing assignments.Ā  So, it is with great care something doesnā€™t get over emphasized, while other things are overlooked.Ā  Jesus did choose all 12 out of countless others, and one of them betrayed Him.Ā  However, Jesus knew who would spend time the most with Him and so on.

What are some things we can take away?Ā  God draws near to those who draw near to Him (James 4:8).Ā  Our intimacy greatly depends on our willingness to spend time with Him, which means God will get as close to you as you allow Him.

Have you ever questioned why some have more wisdom, or revelation of Godā€™s Word than others?Ā  How is it that God reveals more secrets to some than others?Ā  The simple answer is time.Ā  If you donā€™t spend time with the Father, how are you going to know His heart?Ā  If you donā€™t spend time reading and studying the Bible, how do you expect to know it?Ā  Sure, (the) Holy Spirit could spoon feed you the Word, but it doesnā€™t exactly work that way.Ā  He teaches us while we read and study.Ā  To be sure, at times revelation does come without study; but, it generally does not come outside the realm of relationship.Ā  If you donā€™t care all that much about spiritual matters, youā€™re not in a position to receive revelation from God.Ā  There are multitudes of disciples who do not have access to Bibles; nonetheless, they hunger for His Word.Ā  Guess what, God makes provision for them.Ā  Letā€™s be clear, there are exceptions to what was just stated; nevertheless, everything is tailor made according to oneā€™s design and ability.

The bottom line is the more time you spend, the more you are in a position to receive.Ā 

Hereā€™s a simple illustration: you cannot reveal secrets to someone who is not there to listen.Ā  Those who refuse to listen will never learn nor receive from God.

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