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By March 17, 2024No Comments
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Why Are There Celebrities?

“Can I get a selfie?” “Can I have your autograph?” Ah yes, phrases celebrities hear all the time. Perhaps, you’ve said something like this yourself. So, what makes some personalities so important? Fame and fortune? Okay, maybe some are rich and famous; but again, what makes them more important than the “general public?” Why do people become so starstruck?
The obvious is answer is we are all designed to worship God. Those who don’t worship Him, will worship other humans, animals or things. Perhaps, all the above (see Romans 1:18-23). Even those who worship God occasionally get swept into fandom. When it gets down to it, we will elevate someone, or something. The Bible does encourage us to give honor to whom it is due (see Romans 13:2). Nonetheless, care should be given to not elevate others to a position they do not belong.

Pitfalls Of Following Celebrities

There is an interesting phenomenon when it comes to celebrities. Some people hang on every word they might say. In some cases, they make decisions based on their opinion. It could be as simple as what brand of clothing to wear, maybe for whom to vote in an election, or to take a particular action. Some may even go so far as to pattern their life after their favorite star.
The question is, what qualifies celebrities to hold such positions in people’s lives? For instance, an actor may be very good at pretending to be someone else, like a respectable character; but, does that make him respectable, let alone qualified to speak into our lives? What if he has no real expertise in the area of which he is trying to influence us? What if his lifestyle or worldview contradicts the Word of God, or worse still, it is outright antichrist in nature? Would it be a good idea to heed what he has to say? And yes, there are those who are wise and godly.
There are some who would make great role models for young people, and others not so much. Talent does not equate to godliness. This is not meant to be some sort of indictment against those who have the public’s esteem. Not at all. The point is we can ill afford to allow anyone to negatively influence our life, no matter how popular he or she might be.
 Of course, as believers, praying for those who are well known, or seem to have it all, would be a very good thing. More often than not, we don’t know what’s under the public persona.

Do You Want to be a Celebrity?

Do you want to be a celebrity? “Oh no, I do not want to be famous.” Fair enough, but do you want a good reputation? Reputation is one element of fame. For example, “Your reputation precedes you.” It’s not a bad thing in of itself; yet, why and how you obtain your reputation might be another matter. Why is it so important for some to heavily guard their reputation? Is it pride? Self-exaltation is not exactly a good thing.  It gets down to motivation.
When reputation becomes a person’s motivation for their words and action, love is no longer has a part. Hence, there are those who act very kind and loving, but you can sense it’s an act. There’s something underneath the veneer. This is one way to define the word, hypocrite, which means to be an actor.
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, “Eat and drink!” But his heart is not with you (NASB).
In this example, when a person genuinely loves others, that will also be his or her reputation. No act required.
When thinking of fame, more than likely most think in terms of the world stage. However, there are variety of circles in which people are well known, but unknown elsewhere. This is true for the Church as well, and there are circles within it. It might be a particular congregation, a denomination, or any other subcategories.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, should we be more concerned about making Him famous? To whose glory do we do anything? It could be said that those who desire fame, are disconnected with their identity in Him. The more you are connected with Him, the less you need anything external.
That being said, do not be afraid of fame. Meaning, if God wants to place you in a place of prominence, He has a reason for it. It comes down to being available to be where ever He desires. Like it or not you are being watched by many.
Hebrews 12:1-2 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith; Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.